Mark Basa
In 2006, at the age of 15, Mark Basa was convicted of killing another young man in a fight involving fifteen youths. He served his sentence but was then moved to the Villawood Detention centre where he has remained for three and a half years awaiting deportation to PNG.
He has been in Australia since he was a child,his family were given protection and are now themselves Australian citizens living in Australia. He requires daily medication to keep him alive for a pancreatic disorder that started during his incarceration; this medication is not available in PNG. While the minister has deemed that he should be deported the Federal Court has found in favour of Mark, but the minister is standing firm and he has now been transported from the Villawood Detention Centre to Perth.
He has served his time and if he is deported he will die. His deportation should be stopped and he should be released to the care of his family.

The Mark Basa Story
Justice is not a not a simple concept that is only employed by those sitting in judgement on others in courts. Its application can be by any person in authority whose decision impacts positively or negatively on an individual. Judges, magistrates, tribunal members and ministers of state are some of

Mark Basa – Change.Org
A petition was commenced to try and help convince the minister that there is genuine public concern to try and help Mark stay in Australia supported by his family and that sending him to PNG and his almost certain death would be wrong. You can add your name to the

Please Free My Son
Mark’s father presents a compelling, heartfelt portrayal of his son’s plight, and asks for our help in keeping his son in Australia.

Mark Basa’s Trial Concerns
Mark Basa was convicted by a jury of murder on 3 August 2006. The conviction was for the death of Zane McCready in an emergency doorway area of the Ex-Services Club on Hanbury Street, Mayfield, Newcastle on 7 July 2005. The death occurred during an altercation involving a group of