David Harris
In 2019, David Harris died alone in his home and was not found for two months. He suffered the devastating and debilitating effects of schizophrenia for most of his adult life. In the early days of his illness he was managed in hospital, then community homes where he was able to receive appropriate medical and social care. However, as time marched on, and with the advent of the NDIS his care became increasingly fractured until it ultimately failed completely.
He was living in his own accommodation with support from the NDIS provider and community psychiatric care but at some point the psychiatric care ceased to actively follow him up and then the NDIS services also came to an end. David, who continued to experience chronic psychiatric symptoms, passed away in his home presumably as a result of neglect and was not discovered for over two months.
David’s life was seriously hampered by a terrible disease that was completely beyond his control and he depended on the services of community psychiatry and the NDIS provider. They failed him and he died. A coroners inquest is afoot and his sister is keen to ensure that this does not happen to other patients in the future.

What Was It Like For David Harris To Have Schizophrenia?
David Harris died in 2019 and a coronial inquest is pending. He suffered schizophrenia for most of his adult life and died alone, his body not discovered for two months. This is the story of his life.

David Harris, His Story
David Harris died in 2019 and a coronial inquest is pending. He suffered schizophrenia for most of his adult life and died alone, his body not discovered for two months. This is the story of his life.